Utility for watching videos offline

To watch videos offline, you need to make a copy of the video on your computer using a video transfer program. ClipGrab works well.


  1. Download ClipGrab from http://clipgrab.org/
  2. Then copy and paste the web address of the YouTube or Facebook video into the ClipGrab program in the box labeled “Please enter the link to the video”.
    • For Facebook,  get the web address by right clicking the video and select “Show video URL”
    • On YouTube, the web address is found in the address bar at the top of the window
  3. Click the “Grab this clip” button.

Of course, you must be aware of copyright.  If you are saving the video just for yourself, you should be okay.  If you are sharing with others, then you should use the provide the link to others or share using the “Share” option on social networks.