Excel Resources

For general basic knowledge, try these websites:

The Excel Easy Website:  Explains the basics of Excel

Excel 2016 GCFLearnFree.org: Easy module based format to help you make sure you learn the key concepts

Excel basics at Chadoo.org:  Wonderful introduction to Excel basics with links to key resources for specific components of Excel

40 Life-Changing Excel Tutorials: Links for easy to super advanced tutorial topics

Introductory Excel Skills:

Using Autofill to fill sequential data:  Great overfill of using the fill handle, the fill command,  and fill options along with showing what built-ins are available with Autofill

Creating Custom Lists: Learn how to use a custom list in Excel to easily fill cells with your own list of departments, expenses clients, cities, etc.  Custom Lists often can save time and reduce errors.

Building Formulas and Functions in Excel:  Basic methodology provided on the process of building a formula or function in Excel

Basic Formulas and Functions with Examples:  A great overview of the 10 functions everyone must know in Excel

Custom Number Formats: A comprehensive guide on learning how to setup full featured custom number format

Advanced Excel functions skills:

10 VLOOKUP Examples for Beginner and Advanced Users:  To become true masters at VLOOKUP go through these great examples to understand more sophisticated setup of arguments with advanced criteria.  Example 7 shows how to use the TRIM function inside to get rid of leading and trailing spaces.

How to correct an N/A error when using lookup functions

  • See section on “Incorrect value types”
  • See section on “There is extra spacing in the cells”  on how to use TRIM inside a VLOOKUP

How to correct an N/A error using VLOOKUP

  • See the section on INDEX/MATCH to learn about its advantages over VLOOKUP
  • Gives pointers on how to be more successful with the approximate mode of VLOOKUP

Working with Nested Functions:  The Evaluate Formula dialog box can help you evaluate parts of a nested formula one step at a time.

19 tips for Nested IFs:  Essential tips for using mulitple IFs to make your spreadsheets come to life