Resizing Images in Office without distorting (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)

To avoid distortion, just drag using SHIFT + CORNER HANDLE–(No need to even check if the image is proportionally locked):

To avoid distortion when resizing an image always use the CORNER handles.  Avoid using the ones midway on the outer edges.

Showing the corner resize handles as the ones to use for not distorting a picture at
Figure 1: Use the corner resize handles and not the ones mid-way on each side

By default, some images you have in your projects will be proportionally locked and some won’t be.  But you do not even need to worry about making sure they are proportionally locked if you always use keys like SHIFT and/or CTRL when you drag from a corner handle:

  • To maintain proportions, press and hold SHIFT while you drag the corner sizing handle.
  • To keep the center in the same place, press and hold CTRL while you drag the sizing handle.
  • To both maintain the proportions and keep the center in the same place, press and hold both CTRL and SHIFT while you drag the sizing handle.

How to lock the Aspect ratio or to check if it is locked:

If the lock aspect ratio is checked, an image cannot be distorted if you resize using a corner resize handle So if it is on, you are less likely to distort an image.  However keep in mind that even with the lock aspect ratio on, an image can be distorted if you resize using a resize handle midway on the outer edges.  Hence, the advise given in the previous section:

  1. Go to the Picture Tools tab.
  2. Click the dialog box launcher in the bottom right corner of the Size group (see Figure 2 pt. A).

    Picture Tools tab showing the Size Group dialog box launcher, the Height and Width boxes, and the Reset Picture command at
    Figure 2: Picture Tools tab on the Ribbon
  3. In the Layout pane that appears, check the Lock aspect ratio check box (see Figure 3 pt. B).
Lock ratio checkbox in the Layout box at
Figure 3: Layout settings for a picture


How to resize an image to an exact height and width:

Often you know about how big you want an image to be.  If this is the case, then you can enter the exact size desired:

  1. Go to the Picture Tools  tab.
  2. In the Size group on the far right side, enter the new measurements into the Height and Width boxes (see Figure 2 pt. C).

How to reset a picture back to its original size and format use Reset Picture button:

If you have inadvertently distorted a picture, Reset Picture & Size can help you get that picture back to its original length to width ratio.

  1. Go to the Picture Tools tab.
  2. In the Adjust group,select the drop-down menu with Reset Picture (see Figure 2 pt. D) and choose one of the following:
  • Reset Picture discards all the formatting changes made to the picture.
  • Reset Picture & Size discards all the formatting changes and the image is restored to its original dimensions.

Good luck keeping with keeping your images the way you need them to look.