Windows Defender, the latest version of Microsoft Security Essentials, is a free antivirus program Microsoft builds in all Windows 10 PCs.
Windows Defender has some advantages:
- Fully integrated into Windows OS and by default is working immediately in the background
- No harassment with pop-ups
- Won’t make money off of you by collecting your browser data
Since Microsoft wants you to have a good experience, Windows Defender is active from the get go with Win 10.
But is it better than what you can get with third party anti-virus software?
At a post in the Microsoft community, you can read a more detailed comparison.
Third party software generally gives 5 to 15% more virus detection. But for the average user that extra detection is typically only needed if you frequent.dangerous or unknown websites.
Please remember that to use get the full protection from Windows Defender, you must keep it updated with the most recent virus definitions just like any other anti-virus software.